Thursday, February 28, 2008


What do you hope to learn from the program?
I am so glad this programme's been started. I had missed last year's session at SLNSW on Web 2.0 and was trying to catch up, so this is really great for me.

I've so wanted to learn how to set up and maintain a Blog on my own using images, video clips and sound. Something I've been wanting to do for a while and which I feel I was getting left behind on.

What do you think about Lifelong Learning?

I enjoy finding out new things although sometimes I am daunted by the tasks. It is human nature to keep learning I think and if we did not we might as well be dead.

What other blogs have you discovered? What do you like about them?
I have seen various blogs, ranging from my nephew's who kept us informed while he was away in South East Asia for two months, to others including politics in South Asia, maintained by a friend.

I like the immediacy but find the loooong postings annoying. They need to be archived which some blog sites are capable of.

Can you see a use for blogs inside the Library?
Absolutely. I can think of two at least. One for keeping staff updated, e.g. the Information Desk team on latest developments with tools and sites and procedures, and another for managing/tracking information requests/inquiries at the Info desk so others can check before answering.

How about blogging for a client audience?
Yes I'd like to create a blog for our Reading groups so they can discuss books and other doings and another perhaps for people who take our Computer & Internet classes to keep their interest.

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